Mental recess

You Are Safe Here



My mission is to support and validate you in your lived experiences. We will journey together to really look how your past is shaping your current and future behaviors. Clarify your values and act from a place of authenticity.


My goals are working to treat individuals who are currently stuck, and want help becoming unstuck. Rather than treating a disorder, my aim is toward treating the whole person. 

Our work will be exploring your behavior, thoughts, and feelings to recognize self-defeating patterns and move towards your desired change. I will work in partnership to help you in your journey.



Using routine outcome monitoring, I track your progress. When you go to a doctor and they measure your height and weight. Therapists cannot read minds so I use this tool to check in on your moods.




In the assessment, we define the problem you are coming to me for help with. We explore in the recesses of your minds the motivations to work on the issue and how they show up in your life.



This phase is about me hearing your story. Everyone has a story to tell and I want to hear it. I want to know what makes you tick. All of your life experiences and the people in it who has shaped you. I want to hear it all.



Lastly, these are the skills and tools to treat or dial down your mood that the problem creates. My goals is to provide you with all the tools you may need to be able to do this on your own.


You are in Control.

Tu Hoang  |  LMFT

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From children to adults, with the structures of life, many have forgotten to play. Play in the form that I call ‘Recess’ is about taking a break. It’s about also looking deeper into the recesses of our own minds and play with all the possibilities of why we do what we do and whether we want to change it. Not being attached and being present to what feels right is the recess we all deserve. Welcome to my playground.

I started Mental Recess with the gratitude I felt with each patient I’ve worked with. I’ve been invited into the playground of their mind. Allowed to engage with them in myriad ways. From building tools that were necessary to looking at the trauma, strengthening and reinforcing or even planting new seeds. I’ve been humbled to be a part of their journey and hope to be a part of yours.

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